Mi Yachol Aleynu Association

In Memory Of Niv Tel Tzur

In the depth of the pain over the loss of Niv Tel Tzur, a young artist who had big dreams and unparalleled energy, the association “Mi Yachol Aleynu” was born. This association is not just a way to perpetuate Niv’s memory, but is a call to action, an invitation to those who want to change reality and give new strength to the soldiers, the security forces, and everyone who protects us.

“Mi Yachol Aleynu” is not just a sentence – it is a philosophy. It is a strength that comes from an uncompromising belief that we all, as a community and a people, can face any challenge and turn any pain into a lever for change.

About The Association And Niv

Niv, an artist and creator who was murdered at the “Nova Festival”, where he presented his art in a unique and colorful booth. The association was established in his memory and was create out of the belief that we as a nation and people can do anything if we stand together. The goal of the association is to help, empower and contribute to the IDF soldiers, the rescue forces, the victims of the 7.10 and their families. We can’t make the pain go away, but we can do good things with it. You are welcome to be part of our community, come and hear how.

The Goals Of The Association

Our Main goal – touch hearts and light the fire

At the basis of our actions is the understanding that soldiers are more than numbers or faces in the news. They are people with dreams, ambitions, and needs. The funds you donate to us immediately become acts of strengthening and support.

Art Programs For Soldiers

Reimagining their future through art, turning pain into creation, and allowing them to find meaning and beauty in disorder.

Retreats for mental and physical well-being

Give them the time and space to relax, reconnect with themselves, and return to the service when they are strong and strengthened.

Workshops and training

Give them tools to deal with the daily pressure, discover renewed hope, and build a solid career after the service.

Big change starts with a small step.

Lets Create a New Reality

Join us on this journey, to turn dreams into real change. Every purchase, every donation, is a milestone in building a better future for our soldiers, and in fact for all of us. Remember – every small step is a big step on the way to real change.


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Let’s turn the pain into a driving force. Let’s change reality. Because in the end, Its Just us, together.

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Niv's Parents Tell About Him

Niv was a big brother to Ofir and Tamir. Born in 2001 and raised in Ramat Gan. He served in the army in the combat collection corps in a command route on the northern border.

Niv loved the sea, music, concerts and entertainment, and on the other hand he always walked around with a few books in his bag, he had a very strong need to learn and understand things deeply.
He mostly loved people and they loved him and surrounded him wherever he went. In the last year of his life, he painted and created a lot, decided that he wanted to study architecture and was even accepted to the university for an architecture major. Finally he decided that he wanted to try to be accepted to study at Bezalel and enrolled in the preparatory school in preparation for the entrance exams.

He planned to travel the world in the coming year even before the start of school.
Niv was physically strong at levels that are hard to explain, from a young age he started training in weightlifting and won the Israeli championship as a teenager in high school. From then until his last day he persevered in training and made great progress in lifting heavy weights.
On the morning of Saturday 10/7/23, Niv was murdered at Mitvathim intersection while he was traveling in a car with his best friend Ido Peretz, the late, when they fled the party in Ra’im and were looking for a place protected from the missiles that landed in the area. Niv Was 22 and a half years old when he died.
May his memory be blessed!

Wrote About Us

“On the morning of October 7, he managed to call me, He informed that he was fine and told how everyone was interested in his art.״

״An art shop was launched in memory of the late Niv Tel Tzur from Ramat Gan who was murdered in Nova״

“Ofir won an award dedicated to her brother who was murdered in Nova”

Stories About Niv

Some people count the days they have left to live from the day they are born, some count the days that have already passed, but you?
You were busy living, every moment every second every minute. You were there every moment you lived, I wish for all of us to learn to appreciate and enjoy life to the fullest just like you did.

Gilad Schneider

Management team

Lior, Niv's dad

Niv's friend

Leon, Niv's friend

Yuval, Niv's friend

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